Mission Avenue 

Day/Time TBD

Are YOU interested in leading a Running 505 location? Are you at a location that is interested? Let us know! All we need is a Lead Mentor, who is supported with the lessons, materials, snacks, etc to be successful!

Abq. School of Excellence

Day and Time TBD

Each location meets 1x/week for 90 minutes. Session time is split between educational lessons (nutritional, physical, and social-emotional topic areas) and activity time (running, walking, and playing games out in the community surrounding the location). 

Locations are not limited to students attending that specific location, they're open to anyone. 

If your child is interested in participating with Running 505, please reach out for additional information. Our season is September-May. 

Our Locations


Day and Time TBD


Day and Time TBD

                Middle School 

Day and Time TBD